Market Value of investment held by the fund + Value of Current Assets - Value of Current Liabilities & Provisions, if anyĭivided by the number of Units existing on Valuation Date (before creation / redemption of Units) Market value of investment held by the fund +/- Expenses incurred in the purchase/sale of the assets + The value of any current assets + Any accrued income net of fund management charges - The value of any current liabilities less provisions, if anyĭivided by the number of units existing at the valuation date (before any new units are allocated) We wish to inform all our policyholders / beneficiaries that in line with the recent changes introduced by IRDAI, the computation of Net Asset Value for Linked funds stands modified. IRDA/Reg./ dated February 16, 2013, the computation of Net Asset Value for Linked funds stands modified. My concern regarding my SBI Life Insurance policy was quickly addressed.ExcellentĪs stipulated by IRDAI in Annexure 2 of its circular F&I-CIR-INV-173-08-2011 dated J& restated in IRDAI (Linked Insurance Products) Regulations, 2013, Ref. Prasanta Sankar Birbhum, School Teacher.Cleo was very helpful and more than courteous to resolve my query regarding premium payments. Mallikarjun J Iyyer Indore, Self Employed.My concern regarding the premium was resolved to my utmost satisfaction. It was a wonderful experience interacting with SBI Life Insurance support team on Twitter. Sachin Ramdasi Director at Ksolves India Pvt.Ravi Kumar Gupta from Delhi and Mr.Cleo from Mumbai. This is Excellent, Resolved my concern pertaining to my policy document within 24 hrs of my tweet. Sanjay Bakhru Captain on Merchant Ships, New Delhi.SBI Life Insurance understood my concern regarding claim settlement and have resolved it to my satisfaction. Priyank Shah Manager (Project Elect) State PSU Company, Vadodara, Gujarat.Many many thanks for your kind cooperation. SBI Life has been very prompt in addressing my concern regarding my Sampoorn Suraksha policy. Bheem Singh Meena Principal at Government School, GSSS Himmatgarh Banswara.

The Premium was automatically deducted from my account. Aadesh Panchal Staff nurse in Central hospital BCCL, Dhanbad.I am now able to check & track the details of my policy on your website at my convenience.