The AI look at feature has also been rewritten to be a lot more responsive and accurate. It may be a better idea for some games to use Box Colliders over Edge Colliders. The problem is they are only a pixel thick, which makes them real easy to pass through if a Rigidbody is moving fast enough. I made an empty and put the object in the empty to avoid that stretching problem I've had when I did this to another character that I created 2 days ago or so, but it just gave me more problems. Edge colliders can effectively be used for terrain, whether they are faster than Box Colliders is arguable, but that’s a separate topic. I've literally tried everything and now it's messed up. Make sure that Mesh Colliders A free-form collider component which accepts a mesh reference to define its collision surface shape. When I set SetRagdoll to true, it seems like the colliders on the limbs are stuck in the ground which leads to weird behavior of the ragdoll. This video shows how version 2.3, and its new modular ability system, makes it easy to create nearly any type of weapon or projectile for your AI, even bullets, lasers, and rockets. Can somebody help me with the ragdoll colliders and the character joints. The problem is that while the animator on my Character is active, the ragdollcolliders try to follow the limbs which creates a huge offset for the colliders. More information on this can be found here:

Will be distributed biometrically between the ragdoll Rigidbodies. With that being said, Emerald AI still fully supports animal based AI and version 2.3 will include a dynamic grazing and resource gathering system allowing AI to generate waypoints to food, water, or other resources. You should then see the Rigidbody, Collider and Joint components added to the. The team moved from in-house tech to Unity in order to iterate faster, adapt to a shorter development timeframe, and achieve success with their first-ever mobile game.
The only way to get this to work now would be to modify the code to not disable the colliders within the AI and set them to a layer that the AI's Obstruction Ignore Layer uses so.

I plan on adding the ability to use the ragdoll colliders for location based damage after 2.3. While the previous version of Emerald AI focused on RPG AI, Emerald AI version 2.3 will be much more flexible allowing users to create nearly any type of AI, even shooter type AI with guns. Hearthstone took the award-winning and universally loved Warcraft franchise to mobile. The ragdoll initializer currently disables all colliders within an AI. I'm kind of lost on this so I'm asking if anyone could give me a little hint or had a similar usecase or a possible solution.I plan on having Emerald AI submitted by the end of this week! The normal ragdoll example works like expected but it's a different usecase. Then select create and Unity will automatically generate all Colliders, Rigidbodies and Joints that make up the Ragdoll for you. Pease note: This happens only if calling ragdoll.SetSkeletonPosition() in Update(), LateUpdate() like mentioned above. I've uploaded a video here to see it in action: The result is that the mesh gets deformed badly after some seconds.

But every time when I test the ragdoll character(on player death), only the bottom of the ragdoll character does anything.
I've tried to update the skeleton position every frame using SetSkeletonPosition() in Update(), LateUpdate() and with custom logic to update only when a certain distance was covered but it seems like SetSkeletonPosition() is only made to be used before removing the ragdoll, like in the example scene. Ragdoll colliders&rigidbodies get removed So my team is developing a game, and we use github&git for version control stuff. While it's a quality tool it didn't help fix my issue: Even when I setup a ragdoll character with RW the ragdoll colliders still don't collide with static objects. Or now that the player character controller collider is much smaller, we can return t. \\begingroup\ Well I've tried URG but it's too confusing for me so I instead went with another ragdoll asset named Ragdoll Workshop. Probably can reduce size of the arms hurtbox to no longer mask the weapon. In my usecase (pinball with ragdoll character as ball, so most of the time it's a pure ragdoll and sometimes poses should blend in, imagine superman pose) the mix feature can not be used because the skeleton world position is not updated every frame and thus mix moves the character to the start position. Most likely due to the ragdoll colliders interfering with the weapon hitbox.